Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks

Discover why monthly OIG exclusion checks are crucial for healthcare compliance and learn how to effectively implement them to avoid penalties.

Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks

Why Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks Are Essential for Healthcare Compliance

Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks are a vital aspect of maintaining compliance in the healthcare sector. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) exclusion list identifies individuals and entities that are barred from participating in federally funded healthcare programs. Conducting these checks on a monthly basis is not just a regulatory requirement but a best practice to safeguard against potential legal liabilities and financial penalties.

Understanding OIG Exclusion Checks

An OIG Exclusion Check involves verifying whether any employees, contractors, or vendors are listed on the OIG’s List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE). Those on the list are excluded from receiving payments for services under federal healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Engaging with an excluded individual or entity can lead to severe consequences for healthcare organizations.

Why Conduct Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks?

Mitigating Risk: Regular monthly checks help healthcare organizations mitigate the risk of employing or engaging with excluded individuals or entities. This proactive approach helps avoid hefty fines and sanctions.

Compliance with Federal Regulations: Federal healthcare programs require healthcare providers to ensure that none of their employees or contractors are excluded. Regular checks help comply with this mandate, thereby avoiding legal trouble.

Protecting Organizational Reputation: A single incident involving an excluded individual or entity can damage a healthcare organization’s reputation. Monthly checks help maintain trust with patients, partners, and regulatory bodies.

Ensuring Patient Safety: Hiring or contracting with excluded individuals may compromise patient safety and care quality. Regular OIG checks ensure that healthcare providers work only with qualified and trustworthy individuals.

How to Perform Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks

Set Up a Schedule: Establish a routine for conducting checks at the beginning or end of each month to ensure consistency and compliance.

Utilize the OIG Database: Use the OIG’s LEIE database to search for individuals and entities. The database allows searches by name, social security number, or employer identification number.

Document Each Check: Keep detailed records of all searches, including the names checked, the dates of the checks, and the results. This documentation is essential for demonstrating compliance during audits.

Implement Automation Tools: Consider using automated exclusion check tools that can perform monthly checks, reducing the workload on compliance teams and minimizing human error.

Regularly Update Policies: Ensure that organizational policies are up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices for OIG exclusion checks.

Benefits of Automating Monthly OIG Exclusion Checks

Efficiency: Automation tools can handle large volumes of checks quickly, ensuring that all employees, vendors, and contractors are verified against the exclusion list every month.

Accuracy: Automated systems reduce the risk of human error, providing more reliable results and ensuring that no exclusions are overlooked.

Cost Savings: Regular manual checks can be time-consuming and costly. Automation can reduce these costs by minimizing the time and resources required for compliance.

Peace of Mind: Automated monthly checks provide healthcare organizations with confidence that they remain compliant with federal regulations and avoid potential penalties.


Monthly OIG exclusion checks are essential for healthcare organizations to mitigate risks, comply with federal regulations, and maintain their reputation and commitment to patient safety. Implementing a regular check routine, leveraging automation tools, and maintaining accurate records are crucial steps toward achieving these goals.