OIG Background Check

Learn the importance and steps of an OIG background check for healthcare providers. Ensure compliance, protect your organization, and maintain patient safety.

OIG Background Check

What is the Significance and Process Behind an OIG Background Check?

An OIG background check is a critical step for any organization involved in healthcare services that seeks to remain compliant with federal regulations. The term refers to a thorough examination of an individual's or entity's status on the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE). The significance of this check cannot be overstated, as it ensures that healthcare providers do not employ or contract with individuals or entities excluded from participating in federal healthcare programs.

Why is an OIG Background Check Significant?

The importance of an OIG background check lies in its ability to protect federal healthcare programs from fraud, waste, and abuse. Key reasons for conducting these checks include:

  • Compliance with federal laws: Healthcare organizations participating in federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid must ensure they do not employ excluded individuals or entities.

  • Avoiding penalties and fines: Organizations that fail to conduct OIG background checks and unknowingly engage with excluded parties may face hefty fines and penalties.

  • Protecting organizational reputation: Conducting these checks helps maintain a healthcare provider's reputation by demonstrating a commitment to ethical practices and compliance.

  • Ensuring patient safety: By avoiding hiring excluded individuals, healthcare organizations help maintain a safe environment for their patients.

The Process Behind an OIG Background Check

Performing an OIG background check involves several key steps to ensure thorough vetting. The process typically includes:

  • Accessing the LEIE database: The List of Excluded Individuals/Entities is maintained by the OIG and is accessible online. Organizations should regularly consult this list to verify the status of potential employees or contractors.

  • Cross-referencing names: Enter the name of the individual or entity in question into the database to see if they are listed as excluded. This involves checking for variations in names, such as aliases or name changes.

  • Documenting the results: Keep a record of all searches conducted, including dates and results, to demonstrate due diligence in compliance checks.

  • Using automated tools: Many organizations utilize automated screening tools that regularly cross-reference their workforce or contractors against the LEIE to streamline the process and ensure continuous compliance.

What to Do if an Individual or Entity is Found on the Exclusion List?

If a healthcare provider finds an individual or entity on the exclusion list, they must take immediate action. Recommended steps include:

  • Terminating employment or contracts: End any current employment or contractual relationships with excluded parties to avoid potential penalties.

  • Reporting to the OIG: Report the finding to the OIG to demonstrate proactive compliance efforts.

  • Reviewing internal controls: Assess and strengthen internal policies and procedures to prevent future occurrences of hiring excluded individuals or entities.

Best Practices for OIG Background Checks

To maintain compliance and avoid the risks associated with employing excluded individuals, organizations should adhere to several best practices. Key recommendations include:

  • Regularly update exclusion checks: Conduct OIG background checks during the hiring process and at regular intervals afterward to ensure ongoing compliance.

  • Train staff on compliance requirements: Ensure that HR and compliance personnel are well-versed in federal regulations and the importance of OIG background checks.

  • Use reliable screening tools: Utilize automated tools to efficiently conduct checks and minimize the risk of human error.

  • Maintain thorough documentation: Keep comprehensive records of all checks performed to demonstrate compliance during audits or investigations.


Understanding the significance and process behind an OIG background check is vital for any healthcare organization. These checks serve as a safeguard against fraud, abuse, and regulatory non-compliance, protecting both the organization and its patients. By adhering to best practices and maintaining a robust compliance program, healthcare providers can ensure they remain in good standing with federal regulations.