OIG Check: Essential Guide for Healthcare Compliance

Learn what an OIG Check is, why it's crucial for healthcare compliance, and how to perform one effectively to avoid penalties and ensure patient safety.

OIG Check

Understanding OIG Check: A Vital Component of Healthcare Compliance

An OIG Check is a critical process for ensuring compliance in the healthcare industry. The term "OIG Check" refers to a search conducted against the exclusion list maintained by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This list includes individuals and entities that have been excluded from participating in federally funded healthcare programs due to violations such as fraud, abuse, or misconduct. Conducting regular OIG checks is essential for healthcare providers to avoid legal liabilities, financial penalties, and damage to their reputation.

What is an OIG Check?

An OIG Check is a verification process to identify whether an individual or entity is listed on the OIG Exclusion List. This list is part of the OIG's mandate to protect the integrity of HHS programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, by excluding those who pose a risk to the program's integrity. Individuals or entities on the exclusion list are barred from receiving payments for services provided to patients under these programs.

Why is an OIG Check Important?

  1. Compliance with Federal Law: Healthcare providers are legally required to avoid employing or contracting with individuals or entities on the OIG Exclusion List. Failing to do so can lead to substantial fines and penalties.

  2. Avoiding Financial Penalties: The OIG imposes hefty fines and sanctions on healthcare organizations that employ or work with excluded individuals or entities, knowingly or unknowingly. These penalties can be as high as $10,000 for each item or service furnished by the excluded individual or entity.

  3. Protecting Your Organization’s Reputation: An association with an excluded individual or entity can harm a healthcare provider's reputation. Regular OIG checks help maintain a clean record and build trust with patients and partners.

  4. Ensuring Patient Safety and Trust: Conducting OIG checks helps ensure that healthcare providers hire and work with qualified, reputable professionals, which is crucial for maintaining high standards of patient care and safety.

How to Perform an OIG Check

Performing an OIG Check involves searching the OIG's List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE). Here is a step-by-step guide to conducting an OIG Check:

  1. Access the LEIE Database: The OIG provides an online searchable database where employers and contractors can look up individuals or entities by name or other identifying information.

  2. Enter the Necessary Information: To perform a search, enter the full name, social security number, employer identification number, or other specific details of the individual or entity.

  3. Review the Results: The search results will indicate whether the individual or entity is currently excluded from participation in federally funded healthcare programs.

  4. Document the Check: Keep records of all OIG checks conducted, including the names searched, the date of the search, and the results. Documentation is crucial for demonstrating due diligence in case of an audit.

  5. Repeat Regularly: It’s essential to perform OIG checks regularly, at least once a month, to ensure ongoing compliance.

Automating OIG Checks

To streamline the process, many healthcare organizations use automated OIG check tools. These tools can automatically scan the LEIE database regularly and provide alerts if any new exclusions are detected. Automating OIG checks helps save time, reduces human error, and ensures compliance without constant manual effort.


Regular OIG checks are an essential aspect of healthcare compliance. They protect healthcare organizations from legal risks, financial penalties, and reputational harm while ensuring patient safety and trust. By incorporating OIG checks into your compliance program, you can maintain the integrity and credibility of your healthcare practice.